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Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Bern Tree Lighting Tradition

Merry Christmas 

The New Bern Tree Lighting tradition has been going strong for the past seven years, and the word from the locals is it gets better every year. The crowd waits anxiously for the festive celebration to begin while munching on Christmas Cookies and sipping on hot coco or apple cider provided by the Double Tree. The event provided warm buzzing feeling through the air. Washing away the concerns of economical hard ship and the other things that plague us.

The spirit of the community heighten with every hello and Merry Christmas. The children dance in glee with coco mustaches and Santa Claus Hats, seniors couples reminisce of their younger days and the children they raised,  doggies dressed up in their Christmas sweaters, and friends giving each other praise. The event was filled with music from the New Bern Community, a senior group sang their heart out for the crowd, St. Paul's Catholic Children Choir sang delightful Christmas Carols, and the dance troops frolicked around on their toes.
Anna Bulszewicz  (anchor for channel 12) and Jon Erickson (anchor fro channel 12) host the festive event.

The Christmas season would never be the same without erecting and celebrating the ornate tree. Every community in the United States knows the significance of the tree lighting. It bring hope, joy, happiness, and heart felt memories; even for those that do not believe in the birth of savior Jesus Christ. Inadvertently  his message of peace, loving one another, and helping those in need is executed every year. What individual does not like receiving the gift of love or gratitude? It swells up our heart and replenishes our soul with love.

God Bless America and Merry Christmas to All
The Crew sharing some love for the New Bern Bear

St. Paul's Precious Choir

Mr. Rogers playing his heart out.