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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Time in Bear City

The air is brisk, the sun is warm, the skies appeared in a azure hue. The birds chirp in delight because the cold, brute winter has gone away. Mornings like these deserve a stroll down my fave spot in New Bern, old downtown. It is a common spot for locals and tourists to hang out alike, get a bite to eat, check out local art and scored some neat stuff. Whenever I started missing the shores of Los Angeles, I come to the waterfront to compensate for the longing. 

This downtown resonates with history, sub culture, and amazing architecture. Oh did I mention, middle street is also the birthplace of Pepsi? Incredibly this area is not bombarded with Pepsi memorabilia or icons. A once  sad, homely relic of the past has since been update to resemble it's former glory. So if you want to experience a little history, grab a bag of popcorn and a ice cold Pepsi, this is the place to go. Sorry I don't have any pics of the place, but there is a link below if you want to learn more. http://www.pepsistore.com/
I have replaced my beach morning walks, (when I can get off my lazy butt now) with strolls down the back trail along the Trent River. Here you will find the locals walking their dogs, tourist chattering about taking the Sparks boat tour, and the patter of little feet chasing after the ducks. The air is filled with the symphony that exist along the Trent. The music is filled with the creaking sounds of the swaying boats, the lingering notes of the buoys, and followed by the chatter of the feathered sun bathers. The glistening Trent hosts the gavotte of the sailboats along the marina. These little symphonies are the many resons why I've grown to love New Bern. So do yourself a favor and take a stroll down to old town.