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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Jazzy aficionados

 New Bern has a secret hangout and its the Issac Taylor garden. A amazing brick garden adjacent to a relic of history. A building that once held confederate stronghold, Phoebe, Catherine, and Frances Taylor. These spinsters refused any assistance from them Damn Yankees, after the siege of New Bern. They remained in hiding on the 3rd floor of the mansion, and had used a pulley mechanism as a dumbwaiter for supplies. Now it's a mecca for the young, old, foreign, local and just about anyone who enjoys art, culture and life.

Tonight, I had the pleasure of enjoying a true southern summer night. The Beach Street Band rocked the house with their smooth jazz. Reminisce of that old 50's lounge music. The Crowd is fairly quaint, however the roaring laughter would beg differ. It is a vacationers and locals' melting pot. Everyone greets each other as if they were long lost friends. The garden is paved with rustic brick covered with history; black iron patio furniture with ample room to lounge in comfortably, along side the cigar aficionados, and wine enthusiast. So I grab my cup of an ice cold Corona and proceeded to enjoy, for this was a precursor to the Friday Art Crawl. 

The Beach Street Band
The Beach City Band was back on for Friday's Art Crawl. These group of young, cute, polite and talented Marines will not only defend America, but also muse your with their entertaining sound. You think I'd catch their names, but I was buzzing on life and it was a little challenging to interview in-between sets. However, I do plan on catching them for a solo article for this blog. If you are interested in following their performances or supporting real hot Marines! Please like them on their page facebook.com/BeachStreetBand. Do your part in supporting our troops. Plus girls, I do believe quite a few of them are single.