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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Seeing Spot in Moo Bern

Seeing Spots in Moo Bern

There rumor has it that the cows have escaped from the dairy farm and formed a cafe. Sick of the hard and excruciating life on the farm, Mama Cow Mildred convinced her steer Jim to settle on middle street in 1994. Now they are bringing smiles, giggles, and bliss in the historic district of New Bern.

The cafe is run by the cows for the cows. The menu is filled with wonderful cow lingo; for instance when ordering a chicken quesadilla, one must called it a chicken cowsadilla. Otherwise, the beautiful young calves at the register would be rather confused about your order. The cows take deep pride in their famous hot dogs, homemade style ice cream, and whimsical cow memorabilia. There is a children’s pen in the back of the shop filled with laughter and joy. A great place for a photo opt and a raging birthday party.

My son with my latest bribe for helping me with taking photos for my blog.

Where all the magic and calories happen.

A funny MooPopper, the perfect toy for your grand-kids, to get back at your kids.

Another Moo Cafe original , caramel popcorn made from scratch.

Some random kid 
It is definitely one of my beloved hot spots on middle street. It serves as an escaped from the muggy and humid weather with the reward of ICE CREAM. If you happen to be tromping through New Bern, stop by grab a dog and finish it off with some Moo cream. I know I did.

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